Discusrsive programme during the exhibition Work in Progress Reflections on Communities Beyond Capitalism |
10/11 - 8/12/2022
Discursive programme: 24/11, 2/12 and 6/12/2022 at 6.00pm
Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenija
Exhibition: drawings, video and instalation
Vesna Bukovec, Tia Čiček, Ana Čigon, Andrea Knezović
10/11/2022 - 8/12/2022
Exhibition events
24/11/2022 at 6 pm: Discussion on labour
The discussion will be moderated by journalist, lawyer and editor Kristina Božič, and she will be joined by:
- Mojca Senegačnik (Sindikat Zasuk)
- Tina Podbevšek (Center za družbeno raziskovanje – Cedra)
- dr. Tanja Petrović (Inštitut za kulturne in spominske študije, ZRC SAZU)
2/12/2022 at 6 pm: Discussion on communities
The discussion will be moderated by journalist, lawyer and editor Kristina Božič, and she will be joined by:
- Predstavnica_k Placa (Participativna Ljubljanska Avtonomna Cona)
- dr. Ksenija Vidmar Horvat (FF, Družbena pogodba v 21. stoletju)
- Maša Hawlina (Zadrugator)
6/12/2022 at 6 pm: viewing of the exhibition and evaluation of the project with Vesna Bukovec, Ana Čigon and Tia Čiček
The exhibition Work in Progress. Reflecting on Communities Beyond Capitalism points to the need to rethink current forms of work and activity and to recognise, internalise and challenge certain patterns of behaviour and oppression. Ways of recovery and empowerment can be seen in knowledge sharing, community building and the creation of new living and working conditions. The dismantling of the existing hierarchy of values, which neglects the worker in favour of profit and false “progress”, can be seen as the key to creating a more just world.
5th Balkan Can Kino Film Symposium |
22 - 24/11/2022
Zoetrop, Kimolou 17, 11362, Athens, Greece
All you need is Greece Alex Morelli | Greece, USA | 2021 | 03’45”
There is light Diohannah Lucero | Philippines | 2022 | 11’ 18
The journey Max Belmessieri | Spain | 2022 | 24’ 00”
Etymology Saïd Afifi | Morocco |2022’ | 15’
Phoney Sights Ana Cigon | Slovenia | 2019 | 19’ 10”
Dream Zone Achraf Maadadi | Morocco | 2022 | 01’ 30”
The 5th Balkan Can Kino Film Symposium (#5BCKFS) is coming back this November, in Athens! This year's Symposium focuses the subject DECOLONISE, and it consists of 35 screenings, 41 video-installations, workshops, discussions, and Q&As.
What is colonisation today? Are we colonised? How do we decolonize? Why is decolonization important in social movement’s struggles? What is privilege? How does tourism affect local communities? What does it mean to live as a minority? How do we deconstruct gender? Do the cities, we live in, belong to us?
From 19 to 26 November 2022, through screenings of short and feature films, video installations, discussions and workshops, #BCKFS presents new and innovative audiovisual narratives that raise questions about our own identity and position to decolonization. The #5BCKFS takes place in different locations, spaces and galleries in Athens.
My experimental film Spregledani razgledi / Phoney Sights will be shown in the programme DECOLONISE : SCREENS IN LOOP, SWEET TOURISM from 22nd to 24th November 2022.
More about the event: https://5bckfs.balkan-can-kino.com/screensinloop/
XVIII Festival Transterritorial de Cine Underground |
2o/11/2022 at 5.00 pm
Fundación Comunidad Contemporánea, Moreno 882, Quilmes, Buernos Aires, Argentina
The Festival Transterritorial de Cine Underground is self-managed, decentralized and has a free circulation character. Since its second year of completion, and due to its open and dynamic organisation, it has become a transterritorial tool (with offices in Santiago, Quito, Montevideo, Bogota, Asuncion, Qosqo, Córdoba, Quilmes, Resistencia and Rosario) for the visibility of low-circulation audiovisual works that do not find an adequate space to be broadcast. It also atempts to creat a network that brings together the many and diverse production groups with non-traditional cultural spaces, as well as the treatment of audiovisual problems and their production and dissemination environment.
The festival is an attempt to consolidate something that half exists: the articulation of artists and production groups, of exhibition spaces, of groups dedicated to disseminating and generating cycles, of independent digital media, with a concrete base in urban socio-cultural movements.
My film Phoney Sights / Spregledani razgledi will be shown in the short film programme on 20th November 2022.
More about the festival: https://cineunder.wordpress.com/preguntas-frecuentes/sobre-el-festival/
More abot the short film programme: https://cineunder.wordpress.com/cortos-2022/
Work in Progress Reflections on Communities Beyond Capitalism: Vesna Bukovec, Tia Čiček, Ana Čigon, Andrea Knezović |
10/11 - 8/12/2022
Škuc Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenija
Exhibition: drawings, video and instalation
Vesna Bukovec, Tia Čiček, Ana Čigon, Andrea Knezović
10/11/2022 - 8/12/2022
Exhibition events
19/11/2022 from 6 pm until 6 am: Nocturnalities: Bargaining Beyond Rest |Full night artistic research event – from dusk till dawn
24/11/2022 at 6 pm: Discussion on labour
2/12/2022 at 6 pm: Discussion on communities
6/12/2022 at 6 pm: viewing of the exhibition and evaluation of the project with Vesna Bukovec, Ana Čigon and Tia Čiček
The exhibition Work in Progress. Reflecting on Communities Beyond Capitalism points to the need to rethink current forms of work and activity and to recognise, internalise and challenge certain patterns of behaviour and oppression. Ways of recovery and empowerment can be seen in knowledge sharing, community building and the creation of new living and working conditions. The dismantling of the existing hierarchy of values, which neglects the worker in favour of profit and false “progress”, can be seen as the key to creating a more just world.
Animation for fiture film by Miha Vipotnika: Broken Piano presented at Sloven film festival |
26/10/2022 at 10.00pm
Main Hall, Auditorium Portorož, Slovenia
The film by Miha Vipotnik Pošvedrani klavir /Broken Piano was presented at Slovene Film Festival. I have animated a few wonderful drawings by Ciril Horjak for this film. The film has received an award for original music score and an award by the Asociation of film publicists.
More about the event: https://fsf.si/2022/en/class/wracked-piano/
International Festival Video Art Project |
18.- 20. 10. 2022
Municipal Art Gallery of Thessaloniki "Casa Bianca", Thessaloniki, Grčija
Video Art Projects is a new emerging international festival focusing on the artistic video creation, which is organized for the first time by the Municipality of Thessaloniki and the Municipal Art Gallery Casa Bianca, in collaboration with the New Media Laboratory of the School of Visual & Applied Arts – Faculty of Fine Arts, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, with the support of the international festival Video Art Miden.
More info: https://www.festivalmiden.gr/en/video-art-miden-collaborates-with-video-art-projects-thessaloniki/
Autumn Film School and International festival of contemporary arts — City of Women: Oppositional (In)sights: Slovenian Short Film Programme |
12/10/2022 at 9.00pm
Slovenian Cinematheque, Ljubljana, Slovenia
My animation Rebellious Essence was part of a short film programme entitled Oppositional (In)sights: Slovenian Short Film Programme which was shown at the Autumn Film School in collaboration with International festival of contemporary arts — City of Women.
Full programme: https://2022.cityofwomen.org/en/content/oppositional-insights-slovenian-short-film-programme
Video Art Miden at the exhibition Safe Mode: Amplified Realities |
8/10 - 5/11/2022
The Project Gallery, 3 Normanou Str, Athens, Greece
11/10 - 5/11/2022
MISC Athens, 20 Tousa Botsari Str, Athens, Greece
11/10 - 5/11/2022
BHD Hub, 2-4 Zan Moreas, Athens, Greece
Safe Mode: Amplified Realities, curated by Foteini Vergidou together with TILT Platform, opens on Saturday, 08 October and runs until Saturday, 05 November in three different venues in the center of Athens, The Project Gallery, MISC Athens and the newly founded BHD Hub.
Umetniki_ce in umetniške skupine iz Grčije in tujine preučujejo posebne razmere sodobnega življenja z različnimi mediji, instalacijami, video projekcijami, fotografijami, slikami, kiparskimi in zvočnimi deli.
Platforma TILT prevzema izraz "varni način", ki se ga uporablja v tehnologiji, da bi opisala postopek, predlagan kot edina možna rešitev, ko naši računalniki in pametne naprave po veliki krizni napaki v sistemu ne morejo več normalno delovati. V tem načinu delovanja tehnbologija zagotavlja svoje minimalne zmogljivosti in ohranja stik z uporabnikom, da le-ta shrani dragocene datoteke in popravi škodo kjer je to mogoče.
„Varni način“ po definiciji poudarja potrebo po varnosti namesto svobodi. Umetniki raziskujejo redefinicijo javne in zasebne sfere, povečevanje tehnološke superiornosti in hitre spremembe, ki se dogajajo v delovni etiki in pogojih dela. Nova politika vsakdanjega življenja stopnjuje tesnobo in negotovost državljanov, ki vseskozi odstopajo svoje pravice državi, da bi ta po krizi vzpostavila normalnost. Vendar legitimizacija nasilja v imenu varnosti omogoča, da se zoper njih vzpostavijo vsiljivejši ukrepi nadzora.
More about the event: https://www.festivalmiden.gr/en/video-art-miden-at-the-exhibition-safe-mode-amplified-realities-athens/
Rainbow June in Maribor 2022. LGBTQIA+ film evening |
18/6/ 2022 at 8.00pm
Intimate Cinema, GT22, Maribor
The animation Rebellious Essence will be screened at Rainbow June in Maribor 2022 at the LGBTQIA+ film evening
More about the event: https://gt22.si/lgbtqia-filmski-vecer/
Based on True Stories. Račka Festival 2022: Spaces and Articulations of Sexuality. Over Overview exhibition and Series of Performances |
14/1 - 17/4/ 2022
Gallery of Contemporary Art, Celje
Artist in the group exhibition and events:
Asiana Jurca Avci, Jaka Babnik, Boris Beja, Goran Bertok, Saša Bezjak, Sara Bezovšek, Rajko Bizjak, Vesna Bukovec, Andrej Brumen Čop, Lea Culetto, Vuk Ćosić, Ana Čigon, Andreja Džakušič, Eclipse (Tina Kolenik in Samira Kentrić), Mina Fina, Olja Grubić, Dejan Habicht, Betina Habjanič, Leonora Jakovljević, Žiga Kariž, Iztok Klančar, Andrea Knezović, Tatiana Kocmur, Tanja Lažetić, LEALUDVIK, Aprilija Lužar, Slađana Mitrović, Keiko Miyazaki, Peter Mlakar, Iza Pavlina, Tadej Pogačar, Arjan Pregl, Franc Purg, Sara Rman, Miha Satler, Zvonka T. Simčič, Nataša Skušek, Tomo Stanič, Ana Straže, Iva Tratnik, Manja Vadla, Tadej Vaukman, Noemi Veberič Levovnik, Valerie Wolf Gang, Saša Bezjak, Olja Grubić, IvAnKe, Iztok Klančar, Tatiana Kocmur
Curated by: Irena Čerčnik, Maja Hodošček
Supported by: Ministrstvo za kulturo RS, Mestna občina Celje
Račka Festival, a project spanning over several years that deals with the relationship between sexuality and art, ends with a comprehensive exhibition of selected artworks created in Slovenia from the 1990s to the present day, as well as a series of performances prepared especially for this edition of the festival. The exhibition Based on True Stories. Račka Festival 2022: Spaces and Articulations of Sexuality presents various contents and spaces of the sexual that have emerged in contemporary Slovenian art production, as well as different approaches to them in art. It is divided into three content areas – body, liberation, intimacy – and will be shown at the Gallery of Contemporary Art, Likovni salon and Račka Gallery, including mediums from painting, objects, drawings, photography, video, installation to performance.
More about the event: https://csu.si/en/exhibition/based-on-true-stories-racka-festival-2022-spaces-and-articulations-of-sexuality-over-overview-exhibition-and-series-of-performances/
34 Filmfest Dresden - International Short Film Festival |
7/4/2022 at 11.30pm
Thalia Cinema, Dresden-Neustadt, Germany
Filmfest Dresden - International Short Film Festival will screen my film Rebellious Essence in the programme Cinema Digestive 1: THE FUTURE IS CAT at Thalia cinema.
More about the event: https://www.filmfest-dresden.de/en/shortlinks/archive/id-2022?file=files/filmfest/Archiv/2022/PDF%20Dateien/_FFD34_KATALOG_FINAL_web.pdf&cid=8332
XPOSED: Eastern European & Russian Queer Cinema |
18/1/2022 at 7.45pm
Kino Krokodil, Greifenhagener Str. 32 – 10437, Berlin, Germany
The XPOSED Festival will present a programme of selected LGBTIQ + films from Eastern Europe and Russia at Kino Krokodil in Berlin. Five feature length and six short films dive into stories of love, self-exploration, migration, activism and history.
More: https://www.xposedfilmfestival.com/2021/2022/01/05/xposed-east-russian-queer-cinema-kino-krokodil-january-12th-18th-2022/
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