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Video art, 20'00'', 2007

Video concept, editing, sound recording and designing: A.Č.
Author of the dance: Nataša Tovirac
Performers and co-authors of the dance: Maša Kagao Knez, Teja Reba, Nataša Tovirac
Music: Marko Gregorič, fragment of song “What a wonderful world” – Luis Armstrong
Costumes: Mateja Benedetti
Light design: Jaka Šimenc
Help with editing: Dominik Mahnič
Camera and photography: A.Č. and Nataša Tovirac
Produced by: INTAKT produkcija
supported by: ministry of Culture RS, City of Ljubljana

In 2007 I was as a video artist invited to participate in the making of the dance show by Nataša Tovirac Timelessness. Four short videos were made for this show and were used as part of the scenography. Later I also made a 20 minute video which consisted of scenes from the dance show, the four videos initially used as  scenography and scenes from dancing improvisations in the forest. The choreography for this dance was partly established in the forest.  The tree dancers that created the choreography for this show had started their training in the forest where they researched how the improvisation changes if made in this kind of environment. The video displays the mixing of segments of this training and discovering of movements in this natural setting, with the one inside the dance theatre.

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Timelessness Timelessness Timelessness3
Timelessness4 Timelessness6 timelessness5

Creative Commons License
Timelessness by Ana Čigon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 Slovenia License.
Based on a work at
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Ana Čigon